Webkinz Chinchilla Webkinz ChinchillaWell what can i say about this chinchilla? It is very soft and fluffy. It has the same material as the silversoft cat for the body. The tail is the same material as used for the oppossum. Its really soft and has a cute face. The eyes are sooo adorable. The seller (Grandma Sushi's closet) is a fast shipper. I received my chinchilla in 3 days!! I highly reccommend the chinchilla to any webkinz lover
Webkinz™ pets are very special plush animals. Each Webkinz pet comes with a secret code that allows the owner to log into the website and adopt a virtual version of their pet. With this code as their key, children can join Webkinz World™ without giving out any personal information such as e-mail, last name or phone number.
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